Sabtu, 30 September 2017

my picture is my story

come back with me Mirna Lesti. This time I will explain about the pictures that I can draw from the results of a simple camera shots.
May be useful

  • The Great Mosque of the Mujahidin

location: A.Yani Street, Pontianak City, West Kalimantan


Masjid Raya Mujahidin, stands majestically in downtown Pontianak since 1978. The largest mosque in West Kalimantan was inaugurated by the President of RI, Ir. H. Joko Widodo on Tuesday, January 20, 2015 (29 Rabiul Awal 1436 H). This two-story mosque has an area of 60 meters x 60 meters on an area of approximately 4 hectares. The Great Mosque of Mujahideen can accommodate up to 9 thousand worshipers. The outside courtyard of the mosque can also accommodate approximately as many as 1600 pilgrims who will worship at the mosque pride Pontianak and West Kalimantan.

Highlighting the typical architecture of West Kalimantan and the icon of Pontianak so that it becomes its own attraction as an Islami land of the City of the Equator. The existence of Masjid Raya Mujahidin with a "new face" is expected to further intensify and support the activities of worship of the Muslims as well as the center of da'wah and Islamic studies.


Masjid Raya Mujahidin, berdiri megah di pusat Kota Pontianak sejak tahun 1978. Masjid terbesar di Kalimantan Barat tersebut diresmikan oleh Presiden RI, Ir. H. Joko Widodo pada hari Selasa, 20 Januari 2015 (29 Rabiul Awal 1436 H). Masjid berlantai dua ini memiliki luas 60 meter x 60 meter di atas lahan seluas kurang lebih 4 hektar. Masjid Raya Mujahidin dapat menampung hingga 9 ribu jamaah. Halaman luar masjid pun juga bisa menampung kurang lebih sebanyak 1.600 mobil jamaah yang akan beribadah di Masjid kebanggaan Kota Pontianak dan Kalimantan Barat tersebut.

Menonjolkan arsitektur khas Kalimantan Barat dan ikon Pontianak sehingga menjadi daya tarik tersendiri sebagai landmark Islami Kota Khatulistiwa. Keberadaan Masjid Raya Mujahidin dengan "wajah baru" ini diharapkan dapat semakin menggiatkan dan mendukung aktivitas ibadah kaum muslim maupun sebagai pusat dakwah dan kajian Islam.

  • Equatorial Monument

Location: Equatorial Street, Siantan, North Pontianak

Monument to the Equator, a monument without a shadow. The monuments are unique, as well as having learner and knowledge. Built in 1928 using astronomy. The measurements made by these geographers are based only on non-smooth lines (lines that are uneven or bumpy) and are based on natural objects such as constellations.

An important and amazing event around the Equator Monument is the occurrence of the culmination of the sun, the natural phenomenon when the Sun is right on the equator. At that moment the position of the sun will be right above the head so as to remove all the shadow objects on the surface of the earth. In the event of culmination, the shadow of the monument will "disappear" a few seconds when exposed to sunlight. Likewise with the shadow of other objects around the monument. The moment where the shadow of the monument and its surrounding objects disappears as the sun is right at the latitude point 00 and occurs only twice a year ie 21-23 March and 21-23 september.


Tugu Khatulistiwa, monumen tanpa bayangan. Monumen yang unik, serta memiliki sarat pelajaran dan pengetahuan. Dibangun pada tahun 1928 dengan menggunakan ilmu astronomi. Pengukuran yang dilakukan oleh para ahli geografi ini hanya berpatokan pada garis yang tidak smooth (garis yang tidak rata atau bergelombang) dan berpatokan pada benda-benda alam seperti rasi bintang.

Peristiwa penting dan menakjubkan di sekitar Tugu Khatulistiwa adalah terjadinya titik kulminasi matahari, yakni fenomena alam ketika Matahari tepat berada di garis khatulistiwa. Pada saat itu posisi matahari akan tepat berada di atas kepala sehingga menghilangkan semua bayangan benda-benda dipermukaan bumi. Pada peristiwa kulminasi tersebut, bayangan tugu akan "menghilang" beberapa detik saat diterpa sinar Matahari. Demikian juga dengan bayangan benda-benda lain di sekitar tugu. Momen dimana bayangan tugu dan benda sekitarnya menghilang saat matahari tepat pada titik lintang 00 dan hanya terjadi dua kali dalam setahun yaitu 21 – 23 maret dan 21-23 september.

  • Betang House
Location : jl. Dr. Sutoyo


Rumah Betang (Long House) is a traditional house of Dayak tribe located in downtown Pontianak, which is on Jalan Sutoyo adjacent to the Regional Library building or about 150 meters from the official house of West Kalimantan Governor.

Although only a replica, but with a visit to Rumah Betang, you will get some knowledge about indigenous tribes from Borneo that is Dayak tribe.


Rumah Betang atau disebut juga rumah panjang (Long House) merupakan rumah adat suku dayak yang letaknya berada di pusat kota Pontianak, yaitu di Jalan Sutoyo bersebelahan dengan gedung Perpustakaan Daerah atau sekitar 150 meter dari rumah dinas Gubernur Kalbar.

Walaupun hanya replika, tapi dengan kunjungan ke Rumah Betang ini, anda akan mendapatkan beberapa pengetahuan tentang suku asli dari Kalimantan yakni suku Dayak. 

  • Langsat Monument
location : Small Punggur


From the intersection of Jalan Raya Punggur we will meet the Office of Punggur Kecil Village. In front of the village office is displayed Tugu Langsat which became the pride of Punggur Kecil as one of the "backbone" (Backbone) of the economy of Pontianak City. Precisely when viewed from aspects of agricultural commodities coffee, coconut, pinang until langsat and durian. Langsat and Durian Punggur is very famous.

Punggur is the best leaf fruit producer in West Kalimantan. Therefore it was built this monument so that people more familiar with the best commodity place in Pontianak


Dari perempatan Jalan Raya Punggur tersebut  kita akan berjumpa Kantor Desa Punggur Kecil. Di depan kantor desa inilah terpajang Tugu Langsat yang menjadi kebanggaan warga Punggur Kecil sebagai salah satu “tulang punggung” (Backbone) perekonomian Kota Pontianak. Tepatnya jika dilihat dari aspek komoditas pertanian kopi, kelapa, pinang hingga langsat dan durian. Langsat dan durian Punggur memang sangat terkenal.

Punggur termasuk penghasil buah langsat terbaik di kalimantan barat. Maka dari itu lah dibangun tugu langsat ini supaya orang lebih mengenal tempat komoditi langsat terbaik di Pontianak.

THANK YOU for your attention
wassalamualaikum wr wb

Sabtu, 16 September 2017


السلام عليكم ورحمۃاﷲ و بركاته
Peace be upon you, and Allah mercy and blessings .

Here, I will introduce myself. My name is Mirna Lesti. Friends used to call me mirna. I was born on Punggur on March, 7 1999. I am 18 years old. I live in a small Punggur. My hobbies are listening to music and sleeping. My favorite food is satay and my favorite drink is juice. My dream became a teacher.

My father is named abdussoleh. He works as an entrepreneur. And my mother is named Marinti. She as a housewife. I am the first child of three siblings.

 I have one younger sister named Amelia and one younger brother named Amirul. I graduated from Sirajun Jadid senior high school. I dont have any achievements in Senior High School. But in the dorm, I once became champion one field of اَمثِلَتِی and arabic language. And the teacher trusted me to become an اَمثِلَتِی and an arabic language. And I also taught in early childhood education for 1 year.

I am currently studying as a first year student at the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, majoring in social studies at Tanjungpura University. The reason I really wanted to go to college here was because of desire since junior high school and it was one of the best universities. Then the reason I chose the social studies, originally I chose sociology because, in my school at Sirajun Jadid senior high school, my teacher always support me in sociology lesson because I am active. So I signed up and chose sociology as the first choice. But, I also think that sociology including social education also, then I also choose social education. When the announcement turned out I was accepted in social studies education majors. Alhamdulillah, although I can not deepen sociology, but I can still explore other social sciences.

Mmm … I guess that’s all I can say about this introduction. Thank you very much for your attention. My message for the reader is to keep trying and do not forget to pray to the Almighty.

thank you.

والسلام عليكم ورحمۃاﷲوبركاته